Raccoons will eat almost anything, but are particularly fond of creatures found in waterclams, crayfish, frogs, fish, and snails. Squirrel Not all wildlife create conflicts. The unclassified wildlife would be the examples you gave below such as rats, starlings etc.). Several raccoons may den together during winter storms. You can also pound rebar stakes into the ground at the corners, or wire or clamp the trap to a stable object. To prevent raccoons from reaching in at ground level, surround the bottom 18 inches of the pen with smaller-mesh wire. An injection of sodium pentobarbital or other pharmaceutical. Trapping also may not be legal in some urban areas; check with local authorities. Species included in the definition of "wildlife" vary from state to state and determination of whether a species is "wildlife" for the purposes of this compact shall be based on local law. (Eastern gray and fox squirrel), Single- or double-door type, 6 x 6 x 24 in., Look for wear marks, body oil, and hairs on wood and other rough surfaces, particularly around the edges of den entrances. Not have within the last three (3) years more than one finding of paid or committed as a final disposition for an infraction under RCW 77.15 or a conviction for a fish and wildlife crime under RCW 77.15. Raw fur A pelt that has not been processed for purposes of retail sale. longer if a double-door trap is used. Eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) Eastern coyotes (Canis latrans var.) A WCO Certificate is valid for three (3) years. to 7 x 7 x 24 in., longer if a double-door trap is used. However, roundworm eggs shed in raccoon droppings can cause mild to serious illness in other animals and humans. The average life span of a raccoon in the wild is 2 to 3 years; captive raccoons have lived 13. To calm down an active animal, the trap can be covered with a dark towel or other cover. Prevent raccoons from accessing rooftops by trimming tree limbs away from structures and by attaching sheets of metal flashing around corners of buildings. If the animal is to be euthanized, decide who, and if necessary, how it will be done. It should, however, be considered the last option, because trapping it presents many problems for both the animals and the trapper. The outside edge of the flared metal should be a minimum of 18 inches away from the support. Canine distemper is also a common disease fatal to domestic dogs, foxes, coyotes, mink, otters, weasels, and skunks. Washington requires hunters to wear fluorescent orange or pink hunter clothing. Be "on call" the entire time a trap is set. WDFW moving forward with estuary restoration projects in North Puget Sound (a) Predatory birds other than crows and magpies (defined in RCW 77.08.010) and unclassified wildlife that are in the act of damaging commercial crops or attacking livestock or other domestic animals may be killed with the express permission of the crop, livestock, domestic animals, or property owner at any time on private property, to protect Monofilament recovery and recycling program, evict a raccoon or other animal from a building. Live-holding traps can be separated into cage traps, foothold traps, and snares. Look for scratch marks on trees and other structures that raccoons climb. If the doors do not work fast enough, place small stones or other weights on top of the door to make it drop faster. It costs $35 for residents, $165 for non-residents, $15 for youth. Mountain beavers are very prone to hypothermia, so wrap the trap with black plastic or burlap and cover it with soil. It is unlawful to release wildlife anywhere within the state, other than on the property where it was legally trapped, without a permit to do so (RCW 77.15.250). (a) The fee for this license is thirty-five dollars for residents, one hundred sixty-five dollars for nonresidents, and fifteen dollars for youth. (See Evicting Animals from Buildings for exclusion techniques.). If it cannot, or you do not have the necessary training, an alternative would be to contact your local wildlife damage control company, veterinarian, or animal shelter. Damage Economic losses caused by wildlife interactions with humans. 21.43. Sight attractors like chicken feathers, eggshells, cotton balls. Appropriate times to trap an animal in or around a home or property include emergency situations, the removal of a targeted problem animal, or when trapping is the only practical solution. This includes copying the data through covert network channels or the copying of data to unauthorized media. Corn, carrot greens, sweet apples, cattail roots. Trapping activity by an individual in a nuisance wildlife situation must comply, where applicable, with the requirements under WAC 220-417-030 and adhere to RCW 77.36.030 & 77.15.190. Note: In order to properly check an animal for possible rabies, the animal must not be shot in the head; instead, aim for the lung area directly behind the front shoulder. Signs of raccoon predation include the birds heads bitten off and left some distance away, only the birds crop being eaten, stuck birds pulled half-way through a fence, and nests in severe disarray. Its search for a den site may lead it to an attic, chimney, or crawl space. If the animal is reluctant to leave, try placing the open trap on its side and moving away from the trap. Often their solution to a conflict will involve setting several cage traps to make sure the entire family of animals is caughtor as many as possible at one time. The hide, skin, viscera, head, or bones of wildlife; (ii) The skinned carcass of a furbearer; (iii) Squirrels, hares (rabbits), grouse, or ptarmigan; however, you may not use the breast meat of grouse and ptar- migan as animal food or bait; (iv) Unclassified wildlife. Also, it rarely is a permanent solution if other animals are in the area, and food and/or shelter remain available to them. As long as raccoons are kept out of human homes, not cornered, and not treated as pets, they are not dangerous. Conceal the cage trap well with grass or leaves. Contact your WDFW Regional Office for a current list of wildlife rehabilitators. Usually observed at night, they are occasionally seen during the day eating or napping in a tree or searching elsewhere for food. The most effective way to prevent conflicts is to modify the habitat around your home so as not to attract raccoons. Set the cage trap as near to the den as possible, in the animal's pathway, or in the area of damage. Description and Range Living with wildlife Place the trap where the chipmunk is active. It allows hunting for all classified wild animals, wild birds, and unclassified wildlife. Unclassified wildlife includes, but is not limited to, coyote, nutria, and eastern gray squirrel. When an adult animal is trapped, look for enlarged teats that are relatively free of hair, which indicate it is a female nursing young. See notes. (3) Killing wildlife causing damage or killing wildlife to prevent private property damage. longer for double-door traps. European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Foxes Gulls Mice Moles Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) Pigeon or rock dove (Columba livia) Rabbit, Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) Raccoons (Procyon lotor) Snakes Understand the Washington Laws, called Revised Codes of Washington (RCW), which pertain to the wildlife work performed by WCOs. (a) Federally listed threatened or endangered species will require federal permits or federal authority, in addition to a state permit. In such a case, release the female on site so she can tend to her young. Place a tennis ball in the trap to give a large animal a way to release energy and frustration; a piece of wood will provide a small animal something to chew. Because legal status, trapping restrictions, and other information about raccoons change, contact yourWDFW Regional Officefor updates. Place bait in a hole dug under the rear of the trap. . Human psychological responses to euthanasia of animals need to be considered, with grief at the loss of life as the most common reaction. Den sites also include wood duck nest-boxes, attics, crawl spaces, chimneys, and abandoned vehicles. Gloves, cages, and other objects that have come in contact with infected animals can also contain the virus. Body-gripping Trap In Washington, this is defined as a trap that grips and holds an animals body or body part. A WCO may retain the fur of an animal trapped using non-body gripping traps during the general trapping season, as long as the WCO has a valid Washington State Trappers license. A trap that contained a sick animal should be washed, disinfected with a bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water and left on the trap for 20 minutes), and thoroughly rinsed after each capture so as to stop the spread of any potential disease. Set the trap in the animal's line of travel. Note:Floodlights or motion detector lights placed above the pet door to scare raccoons are not long-term solutions. It is best to use a larger trap than used on rabbits. In the event young are present but were not noticed prior to trapping, allow the female back inside to tend to her dependent offspring. Although it might not appear so at the time, animals referred to as nuisance or problem animals are often innocent. American Society of Mammalogists Though moles are the bane of many lawn owners, they make a significant positive contribution to the health of the landscape. cage traps, foothold traps, and snares. The department will document animals harvested under this subsection and will ensure harvest is consistent with herd management objectives developed cooperatively with comanagers where available. A WCO is no longer eligible to possess a firearm, due to a felony or domestic violence charge. Note:Other killers of poultry include coyotes, foxes, skunks, feral cats, dogs, bobcats, opossums, weasels, eagles, hawks, owls, other poultry, and disease. An exception occurs for the raw fur which may be kept for personal use or educational purposes, but the fur cannot be sold. Place the trap near cover where rabbits feed or rest, or where they gain entry under a fence. If an animal needs to be trapped and you are uncomfortable or have no interest in doing the work yourself, contact a wildlife damage control company. Place the trap in the vicinity of damage or at the den entrance. Raccoon predators include cougars, bobcats, coyotes, and domestic dogs. In many cases, moving raccoons will not solve the original problem because other raccoons will replace them and cause similar conflicts. What are the requirements for becoming a WCO in Washington State? If all efforts to dissuade a problem raccoon fail, the animal may have to be trapped. However, if a WCO wants to possess/sell the hide of a problem wildlife species trapped. Hence, it is more effective to make the site less attractive to raccoons than it is to routinely trap them. Single-door type, 10 x 12 x 42 in. For flying squirrels, set the trap inside a structure and near the animal's point of entry. The use of sodium fluoroacetate, or compound 1080, is illegal in Washington and not permitted under any certificate or license (RCW 77.15.196). Cage and box traps, suitcase-type live beaver traps, and common rat and mouse traps are not classified as body-gripping traps and do not require a STP. If you need help with nuisance wildlife, call a WDFW-certified wildlife control operator. Single-door type, 5 x 5 x 15 in. The Department of Fish & Wildlife is authorized to classify wildlife as game, as endangered or protected species, or as a predatory bird consistent with RCW 77.08.010 and 77.12.020. They also recognize signs of diseases and nursing females. Wildlife means all species of animals, including but not necessarily limited to mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, and crustaceans, which are defined as "wildlife" and are protected or otherwise regulated by statute, law, regulation, ordinance, or administrative rule in a party state. Unclassified wildlife: Taking unclassified wildlife in violation of any department rule by killing, hunting, taking, holding, possessing, or maliciously injuring or harming wildlife that is not classified as big game, game animals, game birds, protected wildlife, or endangered wildlife. All WCOs are responsible for knowing the expiration date of their Certificate and applying to WDFW for renewal (email. Kill-type traps are designed to quickly kill the captured animal, much like a common snap-trap used on house mice. When there is no immediate threat to human health, safety, or property, a WCO should consider not excluding bats from a structure from mid-October through April, because of the potential for bats to be hibernating, or from mid-May through mid-September, because of the potential for flightless offspring. While shooting can be effective in eliminating a single raccoon, it is generally limited to rural situations. (1) A small game hunting license is required to hunt for all classified wild animals and wild birds, except big game. Owner A person who has a legal right to commercial crops, livestock, or other private property that was damaged during a wildlife interaction. or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Cheese or fresh bloody meat such as chicken or rabbit; use sight attractors like feathers or fur. Use brush or grass on the top and sides of the trap to give the appearance of a natural "cubby" or a recess in a rock outcrop or in brush. 2005 Washington Revised Code RCW 77.15.140: Unclassified fish or wildlife Unlawful taking Penalty. Free strategy session. Unlawful taking of unclassified fish or wildlife is a misdemeanor. Young raccoons are the main victims of starvation, since they have very little fat reserves to draw from during food shortages in late winter and early spring. Bite wounds from raccoons can result in fractures and disease transmission. The size of a raccoons home range as well as its nightly hunting area varies greatly depending on the habitat and food supply. "The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident," he told Fox News. When euthanasia of live-captured nuisance wildlife is necessary, the euthanasia must be done humanely, consistent with the guidelines of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Care should always be taken to guarantee that the animal is euthanized humanely. A salt-soaked cloth, sponge, or piece of wood, also water softener tablets, sweet potatoes, apples, roasted peanuts. The kits remain in the den until they are about seven weeks old, at which time they can walk, run, climb, and begin to occupy alternate dens. Wild Animal Those species of the class Mammalia whose members exist in Washington in a wild state. Due to the strength and aggressiveness of badgers, it is recommended that a professional trapper trap them. The hide, skin, viscera, head, or bones of wildlife;(ii) The skinned carcass of a furbearer;(iii) Squirrels, hares (rabbits), grouse, or ptarmigan; however, you may not use the breast meat of grouse and ptar- migan as animal food or bait;(iv) Unclassified wildlife. The skunk will search for an opening to go through and go into the trap. (4) Wildlife control operators may assist property owners under the conditions of their certification or permits to remove animals causing damage. Reverse this procedure when attempting to capture a diurnal (active during daylight) animal. Trapped animals expend energy that is normally used to cope with winter conditions and they may die soon after. Most comprehensive library of legal defined terms on your mobile device, All contents of the lawinsider.com excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright 2013-, High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons. They come in a variety of designs; their sizes range from those that capture mice to those that capture large dogs. (69) "Unclassified wildlife" means wildlife existing in Washington in a wild state that have not been classified as big game, game animals, game birds, predatory birds, protected wildlife, endangered wildlife, or deleterious exotic wildlife. Inhumane and unacceptable methods of euthanasia include live burial, freezing a live animal, or drowning an animal (the exception is a legal killing set sometimes used by trappers). If they remain in the new area, they may get into fights (oftentimes to the death) with resident raccoons for limited food, shelter, or nesting sites. In the State of Washington, it is unlawful to possess or transport live wildlife or wild birds (except starlings and house sparrows by falconers) without a permit (WAC 220-450-030). Cover all sides of the trap with a tarp or other material. The information on this page deals only with the use of cage traps used to capture mammals. Predatory Birds Bird species that a WCO may harass, control, or kill, with permission of the property owner, that are causing damage to public or private property. Therefore, WDFW does not recommend, encourage, or condone drowning as a method of euthanasia of live-captured nuisance wildlife. To lure the porcupine, blend a cup of raw sweet potatoes and an apple, and dribble the pured mixture at the opening of a single-door live trap. A WCO may not harass, control, or kill the following classified game animals: black bear, cougar, moose, deer, or elk. Cut the material with tin snips and file down any sharp edges. A gunshot to the head (small and medium sized animals. Home range diameters of 1 mile are known to occur in urban areas. Modify the sides so the otters can't escape. Washington, black bears live in a diverse array of forested habitats, from coastal rainforests to the dry woodlands of the Cascades' eastern slopes. The person responsible for disposal of dead wildlife must dispose of it by burial, landfilling, incineration, composting, rendering, or another method approved (such as natural decomposition) that is not otherwise prohibited by federal, state, or local law or regulation. Main reception for WDFW is (360) 902-2200 Licensing questions can be directed to the Licensing Division or you may call (360) 902-2464 or email at licensing@dfw.wa.gov. You are legal to use a slingshot to hunt unclassified wildlife in Washington State. To capture hares (jackrabbits) in open terrain, use a double-door trap with weighted doors to prevent escape. The carcasses of euthanized animals must be disposed of properly. Enjoy a hunt of a different kind while remembering these ethical practices during the thrill of the chase. We've got your back. Environment means indoor air, ambient air, surface water, groundwater, drinking water, land surface, subsurface strata, and natural resources such as wetlands, flora and fauna. Alternatively, a funnel-shaped piece of aluminum flashing can be fitted around the tree or other vertical structure. Free strategy session. The application form expressly lists banding as one of the activities for which permission can be obtained. This includes Eastern gray squirrels, Eastern cottontail rabbits, raccoons, and opossums. A permitted body-gripping trap must be checked at least every 24 hours and may not be used to capture wildlife for recreational or commercial purposes. Coastal raccoons take advantage of low tides and are seen foraging on shellfish and other food by day. Lock the pet door at night. Wire fences will need to have a mesh size that is no wider than 3 inches to keep young raccoons out. Measurements represent minimum height, width, and length requirements. Peanut butter, oats, barley, fresh fruit, vegetables, greens. In general, black bears are strongly associated with forest cover, but they do occasionally use relatively open country, such as clearcuts and the fringes of other open habitat. Other method as identified by the department (this on-line course qualifies). If you are somewhat knowledgeable about wildlife, have identified the species of animal to be trapped, and feel you can handle the situation in a humane and legal way, follow the steps below. Single- or double-door type, 11 x 11 x 36 in. (1) A big game hunting license is required to hunt for big game. We've got your back. Cover the floor of the trap with soil and leave the bait highly visible. See Step 4 below for information on how to handle the dead animal. 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