Serving. According to War on Wants Profiting from the Occupation report, Waitrose sells Beigel and Beigel products. settlement goods). In correspondence with SOAS in 2008, David Gregory, Technical Food Director for M&S, stated the following: In the past, we have sold dates from this region. Boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) are big news in 2014. [Photo: Trader Joe's] It's fall, which means 'tis the season for all-things pumpkin spice (if you like it or . When ITN screened an expose in 2007 accusing supermarkets of misleading British consumers, Tesco admitted it had acted in error and stated that Israeli dates originating solely in the West Bank will [in the future] be labelled as such.. When tax time rolls around each year, every American citizen gives $21.59 in military aid to Israel, according to the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation. Commercially produced hummus will likely have preservatives in it that are designed to extend the life of your hummus, but it is not always guaranteed, hence it is always a good shout to check the life expectancy information on the individual packaging.. The Mediterranean spread made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, and a blend of other seasonings and spices is the ideal dip for.well, just about any snack (and sandwiches and wraps . It remains to be seen whether Somerfield, under new ownership, will take a similar stance to the Co-op against the sale of Israeli settlement produce. Settlements like these destroy the contiguity of a future Palestinian state and are widely considered to be the biggest obstacle to the success of the peace process. The IDF implements Israels policies of discrimination against Palestinians at checkpoints, through home demolitions, curfews, detentions, targeted assassinations, control over freedom of movement. Snickerdoodle Hummus PPS buy local. Nestle owns 50.1 percent of Israeli food maker Osem Investments and the two together produce snack foods at a plant in Sderot. The Palestinian General Delegation to the UK has written a letter of protest to Tesco, and other retailers, for persisting in the use of this misleading label. Change). TRU hummus. Somerfield Group Last Updated 4th June 2012. fax: 0117 978 0629, Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign The card is designed to be carried in your wallet or purse so that when you are out shopping you know what products to avoid. Then, most of the 140,000 Syrians that lived in the Golan were displaced and have not been allowed to return, and today the area is home to some 20,000 settlers. "The simpler the ingredient list, the better, so be sure to avoid any brand that has unnecessary additives or extra oils," says registered dietitian Amanda Baker Lemein, MS, RD, LDN. (LogOut/ But thanks to this information, today I am searching the internet for products that I CAN buy from Israel.they have my full support and I cant wait to find an internet site that carries Israeli products.thanks for the heads up. The Carmel, Tshibi and Barkan wineries all own vineyards in the Golan Heights, while Teperberg 1870 and Binyamina operate in the West Bank. I have never cared before what products Israel produces nor have I actively looked to buy from Israel. Don't miss these 18 Easy Ways to Control Your Portion Sizes. Image rights belong to the respective owners. by ; lost tavern beer list; pinkerton academy golf team . Whilst Danone is still on the boycott list, it has gone through some changes and lost some of its famous brands and these are no longer on the boycott list. RELATED: Popular Foods That Increase Belly Fat. To supporters, Zionism is a liberation movement . MV Editors Note: It is prudent, given the unabated savagery of Israel towards Gaza, that we remember that there are products and companies which contribute in different ways to the war machine that is used for the wanton oppression of Palestinians, and that we can send a strong message by refusing to support them and encouraging other people of conscience to do the same. Additionally, I don't see Sabra Hummus. Type above and press Enter to search. In July 1998 Danone opened its R&D facility in Israel the Danone Insitute, and later the same year in October 1998 Mr. Franck Riboud, on behalf of Danone received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. A Co-op representative at the meeting said a motion on the subject of Israeli goods was due to be discussed by the organisations executive. Cookies, coffee, soap and even hummus - these are just some of the Israeli products one can find on the grocery stores' shelves in Gaza, written in Hebrew just like the ones in the nearby Israeli retail chains. There is currently a hummus campaign in Boston that is gathering momentum. Israel is a gun but who is pulling the trigger? More Americans than ever support Palestinian liberation, and the movement is spreading to a record number of college campuses. One radio station in Los Angeles, KABC 790 AM recently broadcast comments by Jewess Gloria Alred to the effect that the Islamic prisoners at Guantanamo should be tortured by having their balls extracted with pliers in order to make them talk. "Overall, you may think that the difference between hummus brands is negligible . Boycott Israeli Goods campaigners have also consistently attended the Tesco AGM to raise the issue of settlement produce and propose a boycott of Israeli goods. Sara Lee has divested its large stake in the Israeli textile giant Delta Galil so it along with its two dozen plus brands have all been removed from the boycott list. 1. Since then they have continued pouring investment in to Israel. Hewlett Packard's slogan is a predictably Silicon Valley coinage: "If you're going to do something, make it matter." For Palestinians, however, some of the things HP does . It may taste good to dip chips and vegetables in, but it also boosts the Israeli military while marketing hummus as exclusively Israeli. Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine. The problem is that the term spices doesnt really tell you very much about the contents of the hummus as they dont actually list which spices or combination of it contains. Note that Arsenal still runs Arsenal in the Galilee coaching project in Israel. According to the Jewish United Fund, through its Israel Commission it works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel. Susan Landau is a Philadelphia-based educator, organizer, and advocate for justice in Palestine. Correction: This article's section on Motorola has been changed to clarify the relationship between the company and the Israeli army. ", PLUS: We Tasted 9 Hummus Brands and This Is the Best One. In February 2009, a spokesperson wrote: We currently take organic cut herbs from two farms in the West Bank on which a mixed Palestinian-Israeli workforce have worked side by side for many years.. Danone owns a 20% share of Israels second largest food company, the Strauss Group. Victorias Secret, however, is not the only company to buy its materials from the settlement industry: Delta Galil also supplies to companies like Walmart, Calvin Klein, Nike and Columbia, among others. For Palestinians, however, some of the things HP does matter more than others. The corporation has "adopted" the Golani Brigade, an "elite unit" of the Israeli Army with a reputation for bad behavior that ranges "from revolts against commanders to abuse of Palestinians," according to Haaretz. They supply most of the supermarkets including Tesco and Sainsburys. This is in violation of UN resolution 242 and Article 55 of the Hague Regulations which specify that you cannot acquire territory by war and that you cannot plunder the natural resources of occupied territory. Tesco PLC (At least the brand I tried.) Reply. 01/08/2014: Note: Israel Products have appeared on supermarket shelves (in the UK) with a bar code starting with 871 as well as 729. This could be the beginning of a snowball effect for the global boycott movement. Recently the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing to abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel. He owns a vast media empire that includes the ABC television network, numerous news dailies, national magazines, Hollywood film companies and a large number of radio stations. In 1990, Sieff, in a book entitled On Management: The Marks and Spencer Way, wrote that one of the fundamental objectives of M&S was to aid the economic development of Israel.. Hummus is a common Middle Eastern spread made with cooked chickpeas, tahini (also known as sesame paste), lemon juice, garlic and spices. Invite me! SodaStream brands include: SodaStream, Soda-Club, AlcoJet, Sprudelino, Aquabar, Gazoz, Aquafizz, Aquabubbler, Penguin, Sodamaker, Fountain Jet and Edition1. However, ASDA has recently made several ambiguous statements contradicting its earlier stance. Every reader contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference in allowing our newsroom to bring you the stories that matter, at a time when being informed is more important than ever. Weekly demonstrations have been held in Newcastle and in London. All of them have been targeted by the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, a Palestinian-led international campaign to isolate Israel for its violations of international law. "It will likely include more 'whole food' ingredients." Sabra, however, is a BDS target for other reasons: TheUSAs top hummus manufacturer is owned by Strauss Group, an Israeli company with strong ties to the IDF. By Christa Case Bryant Staff writer. Greening the Negev is apartheid. For those who love Sodastream but are looking for an alternative, have no fear. says nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH and bestselling author of The One One One Diet. At least thats accurate labelling but it does contradict ASDAs previous statements to the press. So for example whilst B&Q and Homebase are major sellers of Israeli plastic giant Keters products we are calling for a focused boycott of each Keter related brand OutStanding, Lipski, Jardin, Allibert, Curver and Contico, rather than a blanket boycott of these stores. These are only just SOME of the products and companies that are complicit in violations of Palestinian rights, and specifically play a direct role in Israels crimes: Fruit and vegetables are one of Israels biggest exports and all Israeli exporters are complicit in Israels violations of international law as they operate on stolen Palestinian land. Ithaca Cold-Crafted Lemon and Garlic Hummus. It is also a major beneficiary of the establishment of Qualifying Industrial Zones (QIZ) in Egypt and Jordan which promote an unequal normalisation of trade arrangements between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Egypt and Jordan. If anyone has more information then please comment with reference and I will update this post as soon as. Waitrose claims that its technical directors have inspected its supplier farms in the West Bank. The Boycott Israel card is a handy sized card listing the companies that give support to apartheid Israel. Considering this hummus contains only chickpeas, water, tahini, cold-pressed lemon juice, organic sunflower oil, vinegar, salt, fresh garlic, cumin and crushed red pepper, it easily passes the ingredient test. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy. Dont serve Sabra hummus or Tribe hummus. Keter has 12 factories in Israel, 2 of which are in the illegal settlements. Osem also owns 58% of meat-substitute manufacturer Tivall Foods. Other companies contribute to the maintenance of an occupation through cooperation with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), whose main goal is to protect illegal settlements and exercise dominion over the lives of millions of Palestinians. Marks & Spencer, Historically, Marks & Spencer has made statements in support of Zionism. McDonalds discriminates against its Arab workers, in 2004 it sacked an Arab worker in Israel because she was caught speaking arabic to another Arab employee. Tesco also sells gas cylinders for products made by settlement company Soda Club, and repackages settlement dates from Hadiklaim as Tesco own brand dates. "The Israeli army forcefully expelled 200 Palestinian families from their homes to make space for the construction of Maale Adumim," saysRafeef Ziadah, a spokesperson for the BDS National Committee. 1. Groups in Lebanon have criticized Sabra for reaping the spoils of what they say is an intrinsically Lebanese dish. Despite that, settlers in the Golan can use as much as 17 times more water per capita than the area's other inhabitants a state of affairs that is not helped by the commercial exploitation of springs. For the system of Israeli apartheid to unravel, support must be withdrawn from companies and institutions that are complicit in these virulent policies. As consumers, the most powerful tool we have is our dollar. Thanks to Scarlett Johansson's recent adventure in international politics, most of us now know about Sodastream's role in perpetuating the occupation of the West Bank. In addition to the many flavors and options, they also offer two-ounce snackers which are perfect for on the go, and an organic variety if you prefer organic foods. But there are two additional demands the demand for full equality of all people in Israel-Palestine and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land, as enshrined in international law. MTEX is Israels largest grower and exporter of citrus fruit responsible for 65% of overseas sales of Israels most recognisable brand on the supermarket shelves JAFFA. A number of similar products allow consumers to make their own bubbly water without giving money to a company operating on occupied land. FYI, My husband is also OBSESSED with the Trader Joes eggplant one (it doesn't taste like eggplant at all, promise). Hummustir. Lantana's fruit-flavored concoctions use white beans, not garbanzos. HP equipment is used by Israeli prisons and the army, and the company has also invested in the technological development of illegal settlements, taking part in the Smart City project in Ariel. BIGCampaign and others groups have been campaigning against the West Bank label as it misleads consumers into believing produce from illegal settlements is actually Palestinian. AN ISRAELI SALAD. It's super easy just check out these 11 Tips for Making the Perfect Homemade Hummus and then get on it! 5. Email: Strauss, a prominent Israeli corporation, like most Israeli companies, supports the Israeli Defense Force. Campaigners have held many pickets of ASDA stores in Brighton and London in 2009 protesting against their sale of Israeli goods. Both Strauss support of the Golani and Givati Brigades and Osem support for the Jewish National Fund together tell the story of Israel as an apartheid state. There is no one size fits all. Apax Partners, an investment company with subsidiaries in Israel and which advises funds holding shares in Israeli settlement companies Tnuva, Agrexco Agricultural Export Company and Field Produce Ltd, has a majority of shares in Somerfield. Its brands include Beit Hashitah (pickles), Of Tov (frozen meat products), Habait (ready made cakes) and Sabra Salads (ready-made salads and spreads). I have a few friends who are buying them via the US and would like to warn them if there is an issue. [Jubilee Award]On October 14, 1998, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu presented a select group of international business people with the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel. The original Palestinian inhabitants were terrorized out of the village and then the whole village was razed to the ground to prepare the way for the new Israeli settlement of Qiryat Gat. Somerfield sells both Israeli goods and settlement goods in its 880 stores. Hummus' nutrition profile is nothing to scoff at. The Volvo Group of Sweden supplies equipment used to bulldoze Palestinian homes. HP also won a contract in 2009 to provide all computer equipment to the Israeli army. Waitrose stocks Israeli basil, tarragon, thyme, lemon thyme, rosemary, chives, sage, oregano, mint, curly leaf parsley, Red Rosa pears, sharon fruit, passion fruit, figs, lychees, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, grapes, strawberries, pomelos, pomegranates, galia melons, dragonfruit, organic medjoul dates, hadrawi dates, Deglet Nour dates, Cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, Pamino peppers, Red Romano peppers, mixed peppers, goods from the Tivall vegetarian food range, Food for Thought snacks by Beigel & Beigel, cold meat, biscuits, dips and Dead Sea Magik cosmetics (found in John Lewis stores). Boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) are big news in 2014. Always check your container for a best-before/ use-by date that will give you a general idea, it will also often tell you how many days it . Although the Golan Heights Winery is one of Israel's biggest exporters, it's far from the only producer of settlement wine. There is evidence that ASDA does stock goods from illegal Israeli settlements in its UK stores. West Bank never refers to Palestinian goods as they dont make it past the military checkpoints. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Companies Supporting The Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Land (PDF format) (link:, Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group, BOYCOTT ISRAEL PRODUCTS | wendytheredhead,, I just want to be seen as a normal human being and respected an interview with Palestinian-Syrian asylum seeker Khaled | Voice of Salam. Despite that, settlers in the Golan can use as much as 17 times more water per capita than the areas other inhabitants a state of affairs that is not helped by the commercial exploitation of springs. According to the American Jewish Committee (AJC), whose Executive Director regularly meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, McDonalds in July 2001 immediately pulled an advertising campaign in Egypt when the ADC contacted them to complaint that the singer featured in the advert had in the past performed a song critical of Israel. Plus now I know about a few more products to avoid buying. Here are the most horrifying flavors we could find. Meetings have been held between Sainsburys management and campaigners and NGOs about the labelling of settlement goods. DISNEY Address: This hummus recipe has been my son's favorite for many years. For a descriptive list of Israeli products that should be subject to BDS, please visit Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. America's largest brand of lingerie gets its textiles from Delta Galil Industries, a company with a warehouse in the Barkan Industrial Zone, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank. 4. Ending the occupation and colonization of Palestinian lands is consistent with the first demand in the Palestinian Call. In February 2009, a spokesperson for the store reiterated that Waitrose was unable to arrange a meeting. Howard Shultz work as a propagandist for Israel has been praised by the Israeli Foreign Ministry as being key to Israels long-term PR success. How to choose the healthiest hummus from the dizzying array of options. These include basil, sage, chives, rosemary, parsely, sorrel, marjoram, mint, thyme and tarragon. This soda-making company is ubiquitous nowadays. Hummus, a Middle Eastern chickpea and tahini dip, has been adopted and Americanized in every possible way in recent years. What's more, the provenance of settlement dates is often concealed with a "produced in Israel" label Hadiklaim, one of the biggest settlement producers, markets its products under the brand names Jordan River, Jordan River Bio-Tops and King Solomon. The BDS campaigncovers all Israeli products: It's a broad tactic aimed to pressure the state itself to change. Sainsburys stocks Hadiklaim dates labelled Made in West Bank and products from Soda Club, which has an office based in the settlement of Maleh Adumin. Sometimes brands are misleading, a bar code never lies if it carriesthat729. } ); In November 2008, YNet claimed that the Co-op had met with the Co-op Israel (a separate organisation) and agreed to open a chain of kosher supermarkets which will be equally owned by Co-op Israel and the UK Co-op. The location gives Ahava privileged access to the minerals and mud of the Dead Sea, which form the big-selling ingredient in their face masks, body scrubs and moisturisers. There, illegal labor practices have been recorded on a significant scale; in 2008, 7,000 Palestinian children were found to be working on settlement date farms. Waitrose online site Ocado sells a range of Yarden meat and houmous products. Some people have retirement funds, brew bubbly seltzer, and use cosmetics; many enjoy eating hummus. Address: Address: The JNF has planted forests all around Israel, some of them on top of destroyed Palestinian villages. But according to Who Profits?, an Israeli-based organization that tracks occupation profiteers, the workers in the SodaStream factory suffer from harsh working conditions. Palestinian workers are seen as a cheap labor force to be exploited, and have complained that when they protest for better wages, they are fired. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. the American Studies Associations boycott, where 94% of land is under direct Israeli control, a company with a warehouse in the Barkan Industrial Zone, from revolts against commanders to abuse of Palestinians, were found to be working on settlement date farms, Israeli human rights organization BTselem reminds us, which supplies the computer systems of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Human Appeal Australia Honors Muslim High Achievers, Prophet Muhammad (): His birth and reality. As a nutritionist, I recommend Sabra Organic Hummus to my clients. Hewlett Packard also makes products like digital cameras, personal computers and smartphones. Note: Jewish companies outside of Israel that do not support Israel by their produce, services or technology are not part of the Boycott. Caterpillar bulldozers are regularly used in the demolition of Palestinian homes and farms. In Manchester, three pickets were held in January 2009 in response to the bombing of Gaza. In 1998, Mr. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe on behalf of Nestle, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu [Jubilee Award]. Lower is sodium than other brands, Sabra Organic has 130 milligrams of sodium in each two tablespoons. Email: And while this isn't to say that Sabra isn't a great hummus brand (because we all know it is), there are a ton of other amazing and widely distributed hummus brands that sell unique flavors. Iraq al Manshiya was a village of 2000 people living in 300 houses with two mosques and one school. Hummus is as controversial as politics. Starbucks proudly displayed the award on the companys website under the section of awarda and accolades the Starbucks company has won, however, once the boycott started to bite the award mysteriously disappeared from its website. The great brands listed above are healthy, oil-free, and are uncompromisingly delicious. . Sodastream claims it's not violating international law by operating in a settlement because its factory benefits the local population of Palestinians. This extensive list includes many products from illegal Israeli settlements, including fresh lemon grass from the West Bank and Sainsburys Taste the Difference Pomodorino tomatoes. Recently, it announced a plan to expel another 2,300 Palestinians to make way for the settlements growth.. It has a turnover of $712 million and nearly 5000 employees with 14 factories in Israel. The Disney Company is owned by Jewish Mogul Michael Eisner. } else { Americans think hummus is tasty, healthy and it goes with most everything from chips, to veggies to a spread for sandwiches. Basic and tasty, the Israeli salad accompanies so many dishes and upgrades them. In 2005, the company exported 1,500 tonnes to the UK, with a value of 25 million. And that each campaign has its place in the global BDS movement. In 1998, Sir Richard Greenbury, then CEO of Marks & Spencer, received the Jubilee Award from Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Laws that privilege Jews and maintain the Jewish character of the Jewish nation prevent Israel from being a democracy, a state of equality under the law for all its citizens. In 2010 exports of Israeli fresh agricultural produce was worth $1.41 billion and most of it, some 87% was exported to Europe (UN Commodity Trade Statistics). But in September 2011 Agrexco went bankrupt. The IT company provides services and technologies to two major settlements, and also takes part in the Smart City project in the illegal West Bank settlement of Ariel, providing a storage system for the settlement's municipality, the Who Profits? The JNFs record hasnt gotten much better since then. The John Lewis Partnership is one of the only large retailers to sell Ahava beauty products. These changes are reflected in the new card. Heinz; and similarly Galbani and LU Biscuits are also no longer owned by Danone. Pita bread wedges coated with cinnamon sugar and fall decorations surrounding. RELATED: What Happens to Your Boby When You Eat Tahini, "This is great because it has only 60 milligrams sodium per serving and 3 grams of fiber," says Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN, who serves on the advisory board for Fitter Living. Salt. However, the response has been to assure customers that each supplier audits the relevant settlement farms using a tight criteria that relates to worker hours, salaries and employment contracts. This effectively means that Waitrose entrusts the auditing of settlement farms to the settlement company supplying the produce, presumably Carmel Agrexco. Eden Springs is an Israeli water cooler company that in Israel steals water from the Salukia spring in the the illegally occupied Syrian Golan Heights. After Israel was established, the state leased the JNF land, and eventually the fund came to own 13 percent of all land in Israel, the majority of which was originally owned by Palestinians. This dip is a good source of iron, plant-based protein, and fiber, while also being low in carbsregistered dietitian Jim White, RD, ACSM, owner of Jim White Fitness Nutrition Studios, tells us. Sainsburys says it is committed to informative labelling, despite describing one piece of produce as being from Gaza Strip, Israel. There is a growing movement to boycott Israeli goods in solidarity with the people of Palestine and in line with an international call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. Fruit, vegetables and herbs grown in Israel and on its settlements in the West Bank can be seen on sale at all the major supermarkets and greengrocers. Since April 2009 McDonalds has also opened 15 branches of McCafe chain in Israel, with plans to open 10 new branches every year. If anyone has more information then please comment with reference and I will update this post as soon as. 20 Oct 2015. Sabra hummus is a joint venture between PepsiCo and the Strauss Group, an Israeli food company that provides financial support to the Israel Defense Forces. Did Israel Steal Hummus? In 2011, the company, which was most well known for its phones, was split into two. Is nonviolence relevant for the Palestinian struggle. } Consumers may not know it, but buying products like Sabra hummus and Sodastream helps fuel Israels military control over Palestinians. Standing in front of grocery store shelves can be mind-boggling. Think Bedouins, the destruction of their villages. ASDA stocks potatoes from Mehadrin-Tnuport Export Company (MTex). Palestinian EthnicCleansing! Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today! Owns 58 % of meat-substitute manufacturer Tivall foods campaigncovers all Israeli products: it 's a tactic... 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