But physical distancing, good hand hygiene, mask wearing and staying home when unwell (which . As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation, he said. Kids have a lot of snot. People who can get the flu shot: Flu shots are appropriate for most people. }); As a pediatric intensive care physician who also cares for children in a pediatric urgent care setting, I have treated a wide spectrum of acute illnesses, ranging from splinters in fingers to children on life-support. Abby Haglage. However, the medical response to the COVID-19 threat in these countries may be being mismanaged, with an atmosphere of fear and poor health, contributing to the death figures. Dr Fauci had struggled without success to push flu vaccines to the point where everybody was injected. But well tell people all throughout flu season, if you havent gotten the vaccine yet, its still OK to get it and youre likely to benefit as long as influenza viruses are circulating, she said. SciCheck Digest. But what may be true according to health professionals and researchers is that a sizeable number of people dying are actually dying from other conditions and diseases the reason for death put down as COVID-19. 2022;28 (12):2374-2382. Published Jan 17, 2018. The sprays are only approved for ages 2 through 49, said Dr. Kirley. Influenza can destroy the lung tissue and, in most cases, set a child up for a secondary bacterial infection of the lungs. Olivia did not elaborate on her . "We need health care workers on the line delivering medical care," Schaffner said. He is a pediatric intensivist at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles with a focus on pediatric cardiac intensive care. Now we appear to have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what the patent office, the medical profession and what the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its own clinical standards would not suggest is a vaccine, yet by using the term vaccine they are being subjected to what is alleged to be a biological weapon. It is typically pretty comparable to the shot in terms of effectiveness., There are benefits to us as individuals: We're less likely to get the flu. There are a couple reasons why someone might not be able to get the flu vaccinethats relatively rare, said Dr. Kirley. After working for years in the pediatric and cardiothoracic ICUs, I have developed a healthy respect for any infection that comes through the doors of the ICU. Throughout my career in caring for acutely ill and critically ill children with influenza, I have learned that complacency is an enabler of infirmity. children between the ages of five and 11 years old is on the rise. Only slightly more doctors (44%) said no . Hooper says he and other administrators encourage hospital staff to get vaccinated through monthly newsletters, updates and by making it as easy as possible to get vaccinated for free by occupational services. that the medical establishment is complicit in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans through the vaccine. A tally of 45,000 would be notably greater than what the CDC is currently reporting, which is 10,991 deaths, and many of those are beyond three days following the shots. Getting a grip on the complexities and figures involved with the pandemic will help in understanding why the world sleepwalked into this unprecedented crisis. A few things are different for the 2022-2023 influenza (flu) season, including: The composition of flu vaccines has been updated. Doctors have a message for vaccine-weary Americans: Don't skip your flu shot this fall -- and seniors, ask for a special extra-strength kind. CINCINNATI As we enter the traditional flu season, some doctors are suggesting to hold off on getting your flu shot for another few weeks. What is now evident is that over the last two decades dangerous gain of function virus development has been carried out by American, British and Chinese scientists, often with US taxpayers dollars, to develop potentially deadly viruses. They are failing to provide a duty of care. In fact, for the 2017-2018 flu season, the CDC estimated that the overall effectiveness of the flu vaccine against influenza A and B was only 40% (reducing a person's risk of needing to seek medical care by 40%). The cry of warning is also being censored by the media and social media in an unprecedented push that in itself ought to set off alarm bells, and could get worse as Joe Bidens administration in the USA colludes with Facebook to block out unwanted information and opinion on this platform. Since the Dr Fauci emails debacle, the idea that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab has gained more traction, a notion summarily dismissed by the media a year ago. "But we're working to make the vaccine better.". Of those who said they will not be getting vaccinated, 41% noted that they didnt think flu vaccines work very well and 39% had concerns over the side effects. That language was already underway as early as 2004, with Merck coining the term, the new normal, Dr Fauci warning in 2017 of a possible surprise outbreak, medical war games being played in October 2019 at the Event 201 in the USA in which hyping up the message in the media was stressed, and the WHO helping to set the stage. Indeed, widespread contamination of any virus is a looming prospect today, and protection from them is prudent because they still cause significant illness. Copyright 1995 - 2023 American Medical Association. However, there is growing pushback and questions being asked about the vaccination programme. Dr Mikovits claims and her character have been trashed. Meanwhile, 28% said they never get the flu, 24% are concerned about getting the flu from the vaccine and 20% do not think influenza is a series illness. JOHN MCAFEE FOUND DEAD IN SPANISH PRISON CELL "Young adults in the prime of their lives are being forced to take the vaccine because Tony Fauci said that," he said, contending Malone's expertise makes him "the single most qualified" person to . The virus causes inflammation that affects blood vessels to the heart and brain. Most people are not in a position to understand what is happening and fear prevails. Developing a potentially deadly virus is one thing; pushing a questionable and potentially deadly cure is another. There are different types of flu shots, including some especially for people 65 and older. I'm doing my own trial to see how I would feel or not.". Officials and members gather to elect officers and address policy at the 2023 AMA Annual Meeting being held in Chicago, June 9-14, 2023. About 58 percent of kids 17 and under were vaccinated. A long-awaited peer-reviewed report by the Berlin-based Corona Investigation Committee has just been released alleging what many have feared, that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, the virus man-made . AFLD falsely claimed the Covid-19 vaccines were "not effective in treating or preventing" the virus and that they had killed 45,000 people in the U.S. "This is an experimental biological . But the truth is, some doctors and nurses might talk the talk without walking the walk. We, need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. As for the adverse effects of the vaccines, the numbers are growing rapidly with a major cover-up underway. Transitioningfrom medical student to resident can be a challenge. Having a flu jab every year is the most important way to help prevent the flu and possible complications. Speak to a AMA adviser, contact the membership office, media office or give feedback. This means people can get their flu shot on the same dayits safe and effective, so theres no need to make multiple trips, she emphasized. and the First Nations Health Authority.". He says the COVID-19 deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable. Naturally, the idea that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned is hard to stomach and runs counter to the original story promoted by governments and the media in early 2020 that COVID-19 likely had natural origins in a bat or another animal in a wet market in Wuhan, China. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and others from influenza. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. jQuery(function($) { It is delivered through shots in the muscle of the upper arm. Most local pharmacies offer flu shots, as do drug stores and quick clinics. }); Dr. David Epstein is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care medicine with 19 years of critical care experience. Doctors have a message for vaccine-weary Americans: Don't skip your flu shot this fall -- and seniors, ask for a special extra-strength kind.. After flu hit historically low levels during the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be poised for a comeback.The main clue: A nasty flu season just ended in Australia. Looking past the published statistics and evidence that influenza puts one at risk for potentially life-threating complications and the need for hospitalization, most individuals will have some symptom that causes discomfort, missed school/work, time spent in a doctors office, or a visit to the emergency room or urgent care. Vanishingly few people have legitimate reasons to avoid COVID-19 vaccination. One of the most influential people in the anti-vax movement is an osteopath physician called Joseph Mercola in Florida, who was profiled in The New York Times last month. Evidently, the nurse had been administering flu vaccinations, and expressed that she was "exhausted" from causing "1 autism a minute.". Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz recently announced that with the help of Americas Frontline Doctors, he was filing a federal lawsuit in Alabama based on a sworn declaration, under threat of perjury, from an alleged whistleblower who claims to have inside knowledge of a cover-up of reported deaths filed with VAERS. 19 September 2021. Dr McCullough says as many as 50,000 Americans may have died due to the vaccine so far in the first six months of 2021, based on the extrapolation of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), noting the claim resulting from a MIT study that the VAERS system, operated by the CDC, typically only represents 1 percent to 10 percent of adverse vaccine effects. Just 46.8 percent of the public got one last year, the CDC said in numbers released Thursday. Even when the vaccine is only 30% effective at preventing flu, that is still very meaningful and crucial for preventing hospitalizations and deaths., The general recommendation is to shoot for September or October to get your flu vaccine, said Dr. Kirley. By getting the flu vaccine yearly, people reduce the chances of serious complications from the influenza virus. Rachel Moran is a . "I haven't had the flu in [11] years," Ludwick said. I verify that Im in the U.S. and agree to receive communication from the AMA or third parties on behalf of AMA. What is clear is how the pandemic has been mismanaged by medical authorities around the world, with a core issue failing to be addressed, namely that traditional medical practice focuses on the ill and those with symptoms it does not lockdown healthy individuals or label people COVID-19 positive when they evidently do not have the virus or do not have signs of the virus. Carole Funk gets a flu shot most years and is up-to-date on all her other vaccines. Anybody who reads through the accounts in the USA VAERs system or the UK Yellow Card system or visits a multitude of private groups on Facebook or Telegram solely devoted to vaccine effects - will find harrowing accounts of injury and death, many indicating the person was healthy before they had the shot. Seldom are the contents and status of the trial explained to recipients. On July 29, 2020, we reported that many members of America's Frontline Doctors, a physician group that spread misinformation . Well you know what? Here's what you need to know about the Dr. Sean Brooks video: 1. The AMA Recovery Plan for Americas Physicians renews our commitment to physicians so patients can receive the high-quality care they deserve. $(".mega-back-specialties .mega-sub-menu").hide(); But here we run into problems with the mRNA vaccines. A more globally connected world provides viruses the means and transmissibility to wreak havoc on any population. Turns out the actual number against COVID vaccines was zero. In ground-breaking news, Spanish medical researchers in two separate studies have analyzed the contents of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine vials and found a toxic blood . Each year the flu shot is formulated to protect against the four most likely . A resident has guidance to help navigate the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). And shockingly it was the result of efforts of scientists and players from the USA, Canada and the UK, and pharmaceutical players, not just Chinese lab technicians. Earlier this season, a Facebook post from a nurse in Ohio gained media attention for its controversial demeanor. Strong support for getting vaccinated is often the key to achieving vaccination rates above 40 percent. $('.mega-back-button-specialties').on('click', function(e) { Read about candidates running for an open leadership position with the Young Physicians Section (YPS). Around 85 percent of new COVID-19 Delta infections in Israel are reportedly in those who are fully vaccinated. Even if you get flu after having received the vaccine you are likely to benefit by having a less severe illness, Schaffner told the news conference. Daszak was one of the members of the WHO investigation team that earlier this year visited China and the Wuhan laboratory, a position indicating a clear conflict of interest, given his involvement in gain of function development and his ties to the lab and the overall programme. All this was said and published including WHOs emphasis on forcing through what they called a universal vaccine mandate - before the world had even heard of COVID-19. Interestingly, such research and development was outlawed in the USA due to its dangers under the Barack Obama administration in 2015, but then was shifted to China. Governments and health authorities are claiming receiving the vaccine typically administered in two doses will allow people to return to their normal lives and help prevent the spread of the virus that according to official figures has infected 189 million and killed over 4 million worldwide as of mid-July 2021. Worryingly, evidence is emerging through the examination of publicly released plans, patents and dossiers compiled by researchers going back as far as 1999 that the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic was planned, was man-made and was released to funnel people towards taking the vaccine. The 2023 Compendium of Graduate Medical Education Initiatives report outlines key aspects from recent AMA proposals to address funding and governance of GME. . In fact, the opposite approach appears to be being taken. Although no type of flu shot is recommended over others, you should speak to your doctor about . It was reportedly patented in April 2002 before the outbreak in Asia. But while they may get their day in court, such a process takes time and it can be argued that there is no time to be lost as people continue to line up for the shot. }); I explained that tens of thousands of people die each year from the flu. At face value, the official figures of 189 million infected and over 4 million killed worldwide sound frightening and there is no reason to make light of the fact that people have suffered and died from what is labelled COVID-19. If youre sick, stay home, Adams said. Jill Biden speaks out after President Biden contracts Covid-19 . 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. The HOD speakers welcome comments for reports under development for the upcoming Interim and Annual Meetings. We hope everyone will take advantage of getting their new COVID booster, or starting their COVID vaccine series, if they havent already done so.. The UWorld exclusive offer on product discount codes to AMA members has ended. }); Some in these scientific development programmes have been surprisingly open in their designs. Many of the vaccine vials reportedly come with blank pieces of paper, rather than a detailed rundown on contents and advice. But for others, a history of good health can justify declining vaccination. The flu shot can come in a variety of forms that protect against three or four influenza strains. Influenza is especially formidable, for when children have problems breathing because of the influenza infection and require intubation and placement on a ventilator, it can take weeks to extubate them and liberate them from the mechanical breathing support. Hard evidence most available in the public domain is now being brought forward to try to explain how this came about. While there's no way to predict if the U.S. will be as hard-hit, "last year we were . The numbers for the 2017-2018 flu season go far beyond that. It's the information you need from voices you want to hear. The news first came out on June 25 on a Spanish television show. This is because the types of influenza viruses that go around often change. Flu can predispose individuals to heart attack and stroke and can also initiate a progressive slide into disability, Schaffner said. /* load placement for account: mizzimaburmese, site: mizzima.com, zone size : 320x50 */ These findings add to the alarm bells being rung by health professionals around the world over the alleged dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, including the problems allegedly associated with the experimental mRNA contents in the vaccines. Find savings to help organize personal finances and manage debt. Controversy continues to grow over the unprecedented push to vaccinate billions of people around the world to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. What is unclear is how a pathogen identified as COVID-19 was leaked or spread. Overall, 71% of 575 U.S. doctors who were polled said they thought the available evidence supports giving boosters to people who have already had two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 . He chose not to get the shot himself. The release of COVID-19 was the vehicle as WHO stressed before the outbreak to start a programme to inject every man, woman and child on the planet. 2002 before the outbreak in Asia approach appears to be being taken couple. Give feedback through the vaccine people are not in a position to understand what is and. See how I would feel or not. `` 2022-2023 influenza ( flu ) season,:. 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